Student Information Technology FAQ

Q: Where can I get questions answered regarding my HC gmail and other Google accounts?

A:  Go to our main HC Google Apps page


Q: What are my different Hesston College online accounts?

A:  At Hesston you will have one Student ID number and one password for all your accounts.  

Your password is the one you created when you became an applicant at Hesston. Those accounts include:

Q: How do I connect my computer, phone, Xbox, etc to the Hesston College wireless network?

A:  Click here for our network connection FAQ

Q: Can I check my college email on my smart phone?

A:  Yes, either Androids or iPhones can access your email with your built in email program or your can download the Gmail app from either Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iPhone) and associate it to your HC email account.

Q: Can I upload a document from my iPad to Moodle?

A:  Yes, read more here.

Q: Can I get a copy of Microsoft Office 365 for free?

A:  Yes, click here for instructions.

Q: How can I change my password for all my HC accounts?

A: Go to

 Q: What do my student tech fees pay for? 

A: Student tech fees help cover significant costs for the student technical services and infrastructure on campus, from internet service (>$50,000/yr), student networking (wired and wireless) upgrades (>$10,000/yr), keeping student computer labs current (~$30,000/yr), classroom technology for teaching, and more.

Q: What do I need to know about HC network options I have, and are there any computer and network policies I should know about?

A: Yes, click here

Q: What are my options for printing?

A.  You can print from any computer lab or the library, for 5 cents a page.  Go to our Printing webpage for more info and also options for printing PDFs from the web and printing from your iOS device.

Q: What if I need help with my computer?

A: You have a couple options:

Q: I'm graduating or leaving HC. How long will my accounts be accessible by me and how can I take my files with me?

A:  Your Gmail and Google Drive as well as your Office 365 account will remain active for one full semester after you leave Hesston.  Please make sure to download any and all files you want to keep before this time. Once that time has elapsed you data will no longer be accessible.

Q: What if I have other questions not answered here?

Please contact the IT Help Desk by either:

If you have additional questions about Google Apps, or suggestion on what we should put on these pages, email to or stop by IT in the basement of the Administration Building.